Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials (MPGC-QM)

Research | Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research

Lithium batteries that provide electric cars with power, superconductors that conduct electricity over long distances without loss, solar cells that harvest solar power – all of these examples are based on the electrical conductivity characteristics of solid materials. These are some of the phenomena which scientists investigate at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. Solid state materials include metals, ceramics and even crystals of organic molecules. Just how the structures of these materials affect their electrical, mechanical and magnetic properties, is what solid state researchers seek to understand. To this end, the researchers particularly focus on solids at the nanoscale, which behave differently compared to materials in larger dimensions. In order to miniaturize electronic circuits even further or to prepare for the electronics that will follow on from the silicon era, the behaviour of these solids needs to be controlled.

Quantum Materials

The term “quantum materials” refers to a rapidly evolving research frontier that aims to understand, control, and ultimately design materials in which quantum physics enables novel functionalities. Recent developments include the discovery of novel phenomena resulting from the topology of the electron wavefunction in solids, the dynamical control of many-electron states (such as superconductivity) by coherent light fields, and the synthesis of heterostructures and devices comprising atomically sharp interfaces of quantum materials exhibiting diverse electronic ground states.

Join the Graduate Center!

In order to maintain the leading role of the Max Planck Society in the field of quantum materials, we are looking for students in relevant research fields such as physics, chemistry and material sciences. Applicants should have an excellent Bachelor or Master degree in one of these fields. Students in our Graduate Center will pursue research projects that push the frontiers of the field of quantum materials and will benefit from close collaboration with world-leading experts at all participating institutions.

Jobs from this employer

Fully Funded PhD Positions (Doctoral Researcher [f/m/d])
Categories: Chemistry, Computer Sciences, Mathematics, PhD, Physics, Quantum engineering, Quantum Materials, Quantum Physics,