Doctoral Researcher (FAME – Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling)

Doctoral Researcher (FAME – Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling), 9 positions / Väitöskirjatutkija (FAME – Matemaattisen mallinnuksen, havainnoinnin ja kuvantamisen lippulaiva), 9 tehtävää

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our university community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society.

FAME Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling is looking for Doctoral Researchers

This collaborative and multidisciplinary flagship is focused on advancing applied mathematics and physics to meet societal demands, including medical diagnostics, monitoring of industrial processes, non-destructive evaluation of structures, and analysis of satellite imagery. Its foundation in the universality of mathematics facilitates the adaptation and application of methods across various fields. Rooted in innovative research into inverse problems, the Flagship collaborates extensively with both industrial and societal partners. Its industrial collaborators, spanning the healthcare, clean technology, and sustainability sectors, engage with the Flagship's scientists to jointly develop innovative solutions for their technological challenges. Moreover, these collaborations with industry are expected to generate new scientific inquiries.

Job description

We are looking for 9 Doctoral Researchers for the thematic area of FAME Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling. 

Successful candidates will pursue a doctoral degree at Tampere University. The positions are full-time and for three years, during which doctoral studies are expected to be completed.


You need to have a Master’s degree in an applicable field Mathematics, Physics, Engineering Sciences, Computer Science, or other applicable field and have demonstrated (during your studies towards the Master’s degree or otherwise) the competence and motivation to pursue postgraduate studies. Please be prepared to provide proof of your merits when requested.

Note! You can apply even if you have not yet graduated, but you need to have graduated by 31st October 2024, at the latest. 

Successful candidates must be pursuing or need be accepted (within the trial period) to study towards a doctoral degree in the doctoral programme of the discipline. Please visit the admissions webpage for more information on eligibility requirements. If you already have a study right for a doctoral degree at Tampere University, it needs to be awarded 1 November 2023 or thereafter in order for you to be eligible for these positions.
The position requires working full-time in Tampere, Finland for the time of the employment. The chosen candidate needs to have the required permits for working in Finland before starting the employment (depending on the nationality of the candidate, e.g. residence permit in Finland). 

The position requires fluent written and spoken skills in English.

The now open positions are divided into three themes and 9 possible topics described below. The preferred theme and topic should be mentioned in the application.  You can choose two topics that you are the most interested in, in the preferred order.  You can find the themes and project descriptions here:

Theme I: Electrophysiological Stimulation and Imaging of the Brain. This theme revolves around the advancement of non-invasive diagnostic tools and treatment planning for neurological conditions, particularly epilepsy, through enhanced electrophysiological imaging and stimulation techniques. It includes the development of novel mathematical and computational methods to improve the accuracy of EEG/MEG source localization, the exploration of temporal interference stimulation as a precise brain stimulation method, and the use of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) for stroke assessment. These projects aim to refine our understanding and manipulation of brain activity, offering potential improvements in the clinical management of neurological disorders. The interdisciplinary approach, requiring advanced computational, mathematical, and engineering skills, underscores the complexity of brain function and the innovative strategies being pursued to address its disorders.  

Topic 1: Spatio-temporal electro/magnetoencephalographic source localization via standardized approaches.  

Topic 14: Development of conductance models for DBS, interference stimulation and monitoring to improve source timing and localization techniques. 

Topic 15: Anatomical Connectivity and Functional Connectivity in DBS Patients.

Theme II: Modelling and Imaging in Biology and Biomedicine.  This theme highlights the application of computational modeling and advanced imaging techniques across various biological and biomedical contexts, from forest and tree structure reconstruction using LiDAR technology for forest and ecology research  to the simulation of blood flow and its impact on neural activity. Projects under this theme seek to bridge the gap between detailed data collection (using lidar, etc.) and the actionable insights required for environmental conservation, improved medical diagnostics, and understanding complex biological processes like blood circulation and cancer tissue analysis. The emphasis on machine learning, statistical modeling, and the integration of diverse data types reflects a broader trend toward interdisciplinary innovation in tackling pressing challenges in biology and medicine.  

Topic 6: Modelling cerebral capillary blood flow and its impact on neural activity. 

Topic 7: Multiscale hybrid 3D imaging of cancer biopsies.

Topic 11 : Adaptive and learning based quantitive structure tree model reconstruction.  

Topic 12: Control of fluid flow models. 

Topic 13: Computer modelling and simulations of phenotypic plasticity in electromechanical function of the heart. 

Theme III: Mathematical Inverse Modelling in a Broader Context. The third theme extends the application of inverse modeling techniques beyond traditional domains, exploring their utility in diverse fields such as augmented and alternative communication (AAC) systems and asteroid exploration. It encompasses projects aimed at making AAC systems more responsive to user needs through multimodal sensor inputs and improving our understanding of asteroid interiors to advance space exploration. These endeavors illustrate the versatility of inverse modeling as a tool for extracting detailed information from complex systems, whether enhancing communication aids for individuals with disabilities or probing the mysteries of the solar system. The focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and the development of innovative methodologies underscores the transformative potential of inverse modeling across a wide range of applications.  

Topic 10: Advancing asteroid exploration - radar tomography of Dimorphos.

Tampere University is a unique, multidisciplinary and boldly forward-looking, evolving community. Our values are openness, diversity, responsibility, courage, critical thinking, erudition/ Bildung, and learner-centredness. We hope that you can embrace these values and promote them in your work.

The selection criteria 

Candidates are selected based on the level of existing competence and  promise that they show, and this will be evaluated on the basis of their study and research plans, their previous success in studies, and merits in writing the doctoral thesis and / or scientific publishing. We put emphasis on the software engineering competence - especially on topics mentioned above.  

We offer

The position will be filled for a fixed-term period of three years. The starting date is 1 January 2025 (or before, if mutually agreed). A trial period of six (6) months applies to all our new employees.

The salary will be based on both the job requirements and the employee’s personal performance in accordance with the salary system of Finnish universities. According to the criteria applied to teaching and research staff, the position of a Doctoral Researcher is placed on level 2—4 of the job requirements scale. A typical starting salary for Doctoral Researchers is approximately 2,600-2,900 EUR/month. The salary increases based on experience and the progress of doctoral studies.

We are inviting you to be a part of a vibrant, active and truly international research community. We value interdisciplinarity, as it allows you to expand your research network and exposes you to new perspectives and ideas to solve complex research problems and pursue novel research findings. We are strongly committed to the highest level of scientific research and the provision of high-quality doctoral education. 

As a member of staff at Tampere University, you will enjoy a range of competitive benefits, such as occupational health care services, flexible work schedule, versatile research infrastructure, modern teaching facilities and a safe and inviting campus area, a variety of affordable cafeterias/ campus restaurants on our campuses as well as a personal fund to spend on sports and cultural activities in your free time. Please read more about working at Tampere University. You can also find more information about us and working and living Tampere by watching our video: Tampere Higher Education Community - our academic playground.  

Finland is among the most stable, free and safest countries in the world, based on prominent ratings by various agencies. Finland is one of the world's best countries to work and live in. 

Tampere is the largest inland city of Finland, and the city is counted among the major academic hubs in the Nordic countries. Tampere region is the most rapidly growing urban area in Finland and home to a vibrant knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial community. The city is an industrial powerhouse that enjoys a rich cultural scene and a reputation as a centre of Finland’s information society. Tampere is also surrounded by vivid nature with forests and lakes, providing countless opportunities for easy-to-access outdoor adventures and refreshment throughout the year. 

We will offer you relocation service package from an external service provider to help you settle in Tampere.

Read more about Finland and Tampere: 

How to apply

Please submit your application through our online recruitment system. The closing date for applications is  16 September, 2024 (23:59 EEST / UTC +3). Please write your application and all the accompanying documentation in English and attach them in PDF format.

In the application form, please specify which research topic/project you are primarily interested in and whether you would also be interested in the other projects in this call.

Please attach only the following documents to your application: 

  • A letter of motivation and description of your research interests (max. 2 pages)
  • Curriculum vitae according to the TENK template  (including the contact details of two referees).
  • Your research and study plan, including a detailed schedule for your dissertation project
  • A list of publications (if any) as a part of the curriculum vitae
  • PDF copy of your MSc and BSc degree certificates, including transcripts of all university records and their English translations (Finnish and Swedish certificates are also accepted). 
    • A copy of your MSc thesis (Even if not written in English)
  • Certificate of language proficiency (does not need to be included in the application phase but a certificate may have to be provided for Doctoral Programme admission prior to start of the employment. Please check the Doctoral Programme requirements and exemptions to language proficiency certificate requirement.

For further information, please contact:

Professor Sampsa Pursiainen, sampsa.pursiainen (at)
Associate Professor (tenure track) Pasi Raumonen, pasi.raumonen (at)
Professor Jari Hyttinen, jari.hyttinen (at)
Professor Jukka Peltola, jukka.peltola (at)  

    Application period starts: 2024-08-09 17:00        Application period ends: 2024-09-16 23:59

Tampere University

Visit employer page

Deadline: 2024-09-16
Location: Finland, Tampere
Categories: Computer Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, PhD, Physics,


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