Student Assistants within the area of energy economics

Student Assistants within the area of energy econimcs

Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) seeks to hire student assistants

About Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI)

The Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) is part of the Department of Economics at Copenhagen Business School. It performs independent research in regulatory and environmental economics and energy system analysis related to the green transition and maintains a close dialogue with the energy sector and European Commission. You can read more about CSEI and its work here:

About the position

CSEI is looking for student assistants to support the centers research with an average of 12 working hours per week. This entails:

  • supporting the research at CSEI with literature reviews and data collection (incl. processing depending on the candidate’s abilities) on topical issues in energy economics
  • supporting CSEI’s communication and dissemination efforts by writing summaries and news entries for our homepage and newsletter
  • carrying out organizational tasks at CSEI workshops and seminars (linked to the possibility to partake in events with high-level participants from the energy industry and research community)
  • supporting the administration of the center

We offer a workplace characterized by an international atmosphere with ample opportunity to learn about contemporary challenging issues in energy infrastructure research, economics, and policy. You will have the possibility to partly work remotely and flexibility around exam times. 

Ideal Profile

You will become a member of our active research group. You should therefore have an interest in the energy sector and current energy policy matters.

It is important that you have numerical skills as well as analytical abilities. We put emphasis on your ability to research, understand, and summarize academic literature, reports, and documentation in English in a proficient academic style of writing.

You should have good organizational skills. It is important that you are a self-starter, thorough with details, and reliable. English language skills are a must, Danish language skills are an advantage. 

Salary and employment conditions

Employment will be according to the HK-organisationsaftale and the collective agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Offentligt Ansattes Organisationer (OAO-S Fællesoverenskomsten).

Salary and pension are determined in regard to HK-overenskomsten and is dependent on previous clerical occupation and level of education.

It is a prerequisite for employment that you are a student enrolled at a Danish institution in higher education or in a professional bachelor programme; and that, at the start date at the latest, you have a physical address in Denmark, a Danish social security number and a Danish bank account.

The employment will be at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Department of Economics, Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) at Porcelænshaven 16A, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark.

The start of the employment will be as soon as possible.

If you want to know more

If you want to know more about the position, please contact CSEI’s Coordinator Dr. Philipp A. Ostrowicz,, 38152224.


You apply via this portal by sending your application online including your CV, a grade transcript, and documentation of enrolment in a Danish institution in higher education as well as documentation of possible previous clerical occupation.


We are reviewing applications continuously. The final deadline for the application is October 7th, 2024, job interviews will be held shortly after the deadline.

Closing date: 7 October 2024.

Apply online


CBS is a globally recognised business school with deep roots in the Nordic socio-economic model. Our faculty has a broad focus on societal challenges, and we have earned a reputation for high-quality disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and education. 

We are located at Frederiksberg and have approximately 20,000 full and part-time students, 800 full-time faculty members, 200 PhD students and 700 administrative staff, and a full portfolio of bachelor, master, MBA/EMBA, PhD and executive programmes taught in English and Danish. 

Our global profile carries the obligation to address critical challenges in our research and to develop the transformational capabilities of students, graduates and business leaders via our educational activities and opportunities for lifelong learning. Complex challenges call for joint action, and therefore our strategy focuses on strengthening current and starting new partnerships with other sciences, the business community, authorities and civil society.

CBS is working continuously on becoming a diverse and inclusive organisation, and we encourage all regardless of gender identity and expression, ethnicity, religious beliefs, LGBT+ status, cultural background etc. to apply.

Reach out to us if you need assistance in the application or recruitment process, if there is something we should know, or if as a person with disability you wish to make use of your preferential access.

Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Visit employer page

Deadline: 2024-10-07
Location: Denmark, Frederiksberg
Categories: Economics, numerical modeling, Student Assistants,


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